Monday, January 11, 2016

Final PE Reflection

My goals posted during mid-term is as following

1. Go to Office Hour every week for speaking.
2. Go to Conversation group every Friday if possible.
3. Do conversation PE practice.
4. Learn a new Japanese song.(still wondering which one...)
5. Go to language table when I have time.

For the above goals, 

1. I didn't go to office hour for speaking. 
2.I went to conversation group once and really enjoyed it. 
3.I did two conversation PE practices. 
4. I am still learning the Japanese song - 歌舞伎町の女王. I can some how follow the song with lyrics.
5. I did not go the language table due to time conflict.

In general, I tried to complete the PE goals but I have to try harder and squeeze time for PE practice, especially for time for Office hours.

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